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发布日期:2010-09-20    作者:         点击:


本学期第一次学术讲座安排在9月27日周一晚上18:00-19:00,教2楼533。讲座题目为 Electromagnetic Waves: from Generation to Radiation ,演讲人为伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的著名学者陈晓东教授。


国际学院学术讲座10-1:Electromagnetic Waves: from Generation to Radiation

演讲人:伦敦大学玛丽女王学院知名学者Xiaodong Chen教授

时间地点:2010年9月27日周一18:00 教2楼533


The continuous endeavour of harnessing the electromagnetic(EM) waves has brought in many benefits to our society. This talk gives a personal account of the development of EM wave engineering: ranging from generation to radiation, with an emphasis on the latest development of the technology.


Xiaodong Chen,(BSc, University of Zhejiang, 1983; PhD, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 1988), worked at King's College, University of London as a Research Fellow and then an EEV Lecturer during 1988-1999. He joined Queen Mary, University of London in 1999, and was promoted to a Readership in 2003 and a Professorship in 2006.

Professor Xiaodong Chen’s research interests are in microwave devices and antennas, wireless communications and bioelectromagnetics. He has over 280 publications (book chapters, journal papers and refereed conference presentations). He is the Director of Graduate Studies in School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London. He also holds visiting professorship in University of Westminster (UK), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, respectively. He is also the Director of the BUPT-QMUL Joint Research Lab in Beijing.

He was invited to give keynote/invited presentations in a number of international conferences and has served as Co-Chairmen in China-UK/Europe Workshop on Millimetre Wave and THz Technologies, 2010(Beijing), 2009(Oxford) 2008 (Chengdu), International Workshop on Antennas Technologies, 2007 (Cambridge,UK), IEE International Symposium on Ultra Wide Band Radios and Antennas, 2004 (London), Co-Chairmen in IEE/IoP/IPEM International Workshop on RF Interaction with Humans, 2003 (London), 2005 (Glasgow) and 2008 (Bath), Executive Chairman in IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT)’2002 (Beijing). He is currently a member of UK EPSRC Review College and the Steering Committee of EC-Galileo Advanced Concept Project, and a Senior Member of IEEE.



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