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英国使馆科学与创新处一等秘书Will Hellon致辞

发布日期:2013-06-28    作者:         点击:

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Graduation Ceremony - Queen Mary, University of London and Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications

27 June 2013

I am delighted and honoured to join you today at this graduation ceremony for this prestigious joint programme.

Education is an important aspect of any individual’s life. This is an important time of celebration, and a time at which you as students – and your families – can be rightly proud of your achievements.

You have now completed a rigorous degree programme and obtained two prestigious degrees - from Beijing University of Post & Telecommunications and Queen Mary, University of London - that will help you as you start work.

As you do, you can draw upon the knowledge and skills your degree has helped develop, along with friendships made during university and the ideas you have shared. All this and the openness to new ideas and your experiences outside the lecture theatre, will, I hope, give you an invaluable context for understanding the world and your place in it.

And, in our modern, ever changing and increasingly globalised world, education is important to ensure young people can contribute effectively to the growth and development of our economies.

The UK attaches much importance to its educational links with China – it benefits both of our countries. It is a relationship which continues to grow – with over 100,000 Chinese students in the UK, 80,000 of them undertaking various Higher Education courses. And British students do come to China, albeit in smaller numbers – some 3-4,000 each year. We hope those numbers will grow further in future years.

Both our countries recognise the value of encouraging student and academic mobility between our two countries. Through education, science and cultural understanding we can develop long-term international relationships between individuals, institutions and the UK and China.

To do this, UK and China Ministers have agreed actions to build links in higher education, vocational and skills training, school years education, and language training.

These will add to the long list of existing linkages and where BUPT and Queen Mary are an important example of UK and China collaboration.

And in terms of our science and innovation work we see the links between universities as a key example of how international activity can benefit global issues and make real progress in finding solutions.

Both our countries see science as key to answering questions about our lives, the world around us and in creating jobs, developing society and enhancing quality of life. Collaboration is important because top quality research must increasingly be international and collaborative - reflecting the fact that excellent research, produced at the right time needs to involve the best in the world, wherever it may be.

You are now in a great position to help foster relations – from sharing ideas and values, in building understanding and respect, in creating business, technology and science partnerships – and so contributing to social and economic development.

I do hope you will enjoy this moment and take pride in your achievement. Do remember, this is your day. And although it may mark the end of your formal education – I hope that you will continue to learn and to enjoy learning.

So let me end, by congratulating you once more on your success and to wish you all the best in the future.







英国对与中国的教育合作十分重视,因为这是惠及双方的。这样的合作还在不断增长:超过100,000的中国学生在英国留学,其中80,000人在接受各种高等教育课程。每年来中国的英国留学生大概3 – 4000人。我们希望,在未来几年,这些数字会进一步增长。









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