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发布日期:2011-06-30    作者:         点击:


尊敬的英国驻华使馆北京办事处公使兼副馆长Chris Wood先生;

尊敬的伦敦大学玛丽女王学院校长Simon Gaskell教授;












Speech on the BUPT-QMUL Degree Ceremony, 2011

Department ofInternationalCooperation and Exchanges

Ministry of Education

Respected Mr. Chris Wood, Professor Simon Gaskell and Professor Fang Binxing,

Distinguished guests, graduates,

Good afternoon!

On behalf of the Department ofInternationalExchanges and Co-operation, Ministry of Education (MoE), I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the BUPT-QMUL Joint Programme Degree Ceremony, 2011. And I am very pleased to witness the development of the Sino-UK joint degree programmes.

The year of 2011 is the first year of the 12th“five-year-plan” of China . With the gradual opening-up of our economic construction, international education becomes increasingly important. In the National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform andDevelopmentProject Summary, the definition for international talents has become more explicit and gained features of the times. Thus, MoE will continually propose and encourage educational collaborations between Chinese universities and top overseas universities in order to introduce excellent educational resources into China , and to cultivate international talents with a good possession of global visions, a good understanding of international conventions, and being competitive in the challenging international environment.

Today, we are delighted to see the educational collaboration on nurturing international talents between BUPT and QMUL – two renowned institutions – has been carried out successfully for seven years. During the past seven years, you have strictly followed the relevant requirements in China in terms of recruitment, subject plan, process performance and degree conferment. Meanwhile, you have innovated on the collaboration models, made use of the advantages of both British and Chinese educational systems, and integrated the excellent resources of the two institutions, all of which have guaranteed the quality of your collaboration. Consequently, the joint programme has successively passed the audit by MoE on Chinese-foreign collaboration programmes, and passed the audit and accreditation by British Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).Due to yourremarkablecollaboration, the joint programme was awarded Right Partnership Award in British Business Award organised by British Chambers of Commerce. Thus, MoE approved the application for renewing the cooperation in 2010. We hope BUPT goes on exploring and making improvements in the second round of collaboration in order to set a good example for nurturing international talents.

Today, on this grand ceremony, I have obtained a group of exciting statistics: among 457 graduates, the percentage for those who have received honours degree above

second-classfrom QMULis as high as94.4%, and 41.1%of first-class honours degree, which is 10% over last year. Besides, I am informed that the number of students who will pursue postgraduate programmes continues to climb, and it reaches 83.4%this year, which is such a high percentage in any institution and you should be proud of it.

Therefore, on behalf ofthe Department ofInternationalExchanges and Cooperation, MoE, I would like to convey my congratulations to you all. Since you have worked so hard in the past four years, your parents and teachers are certainly proud of you. You have grown up with the joint programme in the past four years, and have made remarkable achievements to your parents and universities. Your excellent performance demonstrates that you, the Chinese university students, are trained with good qualities and proves that you are capable of any challenge. This experience will be your lifelong wealth. Congratulations to you all.

You are leaving the university campus. I hope you will continue to challenge and perfect yourself, and make use of your talent in your future learning and work to achieve greater excellence.

Finally, I sincerely hope the collaboration between BUPT and QMUL will develop steadily and healthily to make more achievements and produce more and more qualified graduates.

Thank you!

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