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本学期第二次学术讲座-Research Seminar 通知(10月13日,可盖章)

发布日期:2011-10-11    作者:         点击:

Research seminar

Date/time and venue13thOct 2011 (Thursday), 6:00pm to 7:30pm; TB2 - 235

This research seminar is session for the presentation and discussion of work by international researchers in the field of wireless and optical networks. This is an opportunity for you to find out about current research project and recent/pass research project being undertaken by public sector, commercial private sector and academic institutions. Theywill also provide some insight of their working environment in their research labs. You also have the opportunity to speak to the presenters at the end of the seminar to exchange research ideas and advices for doing a PhDand summer project in their fields. Below are the brief profiles of each presenter.

Presenter 1:Professor Trevor Clarkson

Brief Profile

Professor Trevor Clarkson was Head of Engineering and Research at the UK Radiocommunications Agency (2002-4), having responsibility for an external research programme which supported RA’s radio-spectrum regulatory function. Prior to joining RA, he was Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering at King’s College London, where he conducted research into radio systems, spectrum management and telecommunications. More recently he was Deputy Director for environmental regulation in the UK Department for Business (2006-2010) and on the secretariat of the UK’s Council for Science and Technology (2004-6);Trevor is a Fellow of IET, a Senior Member of IEEE and a Chartered Engineer.

Presenter 2:Professor Lars Dittmann

Short Profile

Professor Lars Dittmann received the M.Sc. EE and Ph.D. from the technical university of Denmark in 1988 and 1994, and is currently Professor at the University within the area of integrated network. He has from January 99 to Febuary 2008 been heading the network competence area (covering both optical and electrical networks) within the Research Center COM at the Technical University of Denmark. He is today group leader at DTU fotonik responsible for network technology and service platforms and coordinator for the university communication cluster (covering 4 research groups and approximately 70 researchers) at DTU Fotonik.

Presenter 3Dr Robert Cui

Short Profile

Dr. Shuguang Cui received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, California, USA, in 2005. He is now working as an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. His current research interests include statistical signal processing for cyber-physical systems (such as Smart Grid), cognitive radio system optimization, network information theory, and general communication theories. He is a recipient of numerous fellowships and scholarships, two best conference paper awards, three NSF grant awards, five DoD grant awards, and the TEES Select Young Faculty award. He has been serving as the TPC chairs for the 2007 IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, the ICC'08 Communication Theory Symposium, and the GLOBECOM'10 Communication Theory Symposium. He has also been serving as the associate editors for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communication Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is also the elected member and the industry/government sub-committee chair for IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM Technical Committee.

Presenter 4:Rob Davies

Short Profile

Rob Davies joined Philips Research in the UK in 1989 and has worked on standardisation for communications standards, including DECT and Bluetooth. In 2003, he spent three years working for Philips in China on a number of different projects before returning to the UK in 2006. Since then, he has worked on medical body area networks, LTE and, and TV white space. He is currently working for Philips Research in Eindhoven on optical communications.



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