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本学期第三次学术讲座-Recent Advance in Network Technology 网络技术最新进展-暨埃塞克斯大学招生宣讲会通知(10月21日,可盖章)

发布日期:2011-10-19    作者:         点击:


Title:Recent Advance in Network Technology网络技术最新进展


In this talk I will present some of our thoughts and solutions to the future Internet architecture and technologies from the perspectives of wireless access, its backhaul and fixed core. In the wireless access part the discussion is given to the convergence of different wireless access technologies. The increasing traffic from wireless networks needs eventually to be backhauled to the core network, which introduces the second part of the talk, network convergence: wired + wireless (or so called fixed mobile convergence: FMC). Then I will present some of our researches in the core network are presented from two aspects: network virtualization (in contrast to cloud computing which is to virtualize IT resources) and beyond IP technologies such as information centric networks. I will conclude my talk with an illustration of the converged networks and services test-bed in University of Essex.

The outline of the talk is as follows:

Network Convergence at Access(网络融合)

§ Wireless + wireless

§ Wired + wireless (fixed + mobile) -- backhaul

Future Internet Architecture at Core

§ Network Virtualization(网络虚拟化技术)

§ Beyond IP Technologies (后IP技术)

Converged Network & Service Research Test-bed at Essex

Other research activities in U. of Essex

Short bio:Kun Yang obtained his PhD fromthe Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering of University College London (UCL), UK. He is currently a Chair Professorand the Head of Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL)in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK. Before joining in University of Essex at 2003, he worked at UCL on several EU research projects such as FAIN, MANTRIP, CONTEXT in the area of IP network management, active networks and context-aware services. Now his main research interests focus on heterogeneous wireless networks and their convergence with fixed networks such as PON (passive optical networks). Future network technologies such as network virtualization, cloud computing, pervasive service engineering are also within his research interest. He has published more than 50 journal papers and books, in addition to 50+ major conference papers. He manages research projects funded by EU FP7 (such as the EVANS project), EPSRC (e.g., PANDA, PAL), and industries such as British Telecom (e.g., MOSE). He serves on the editorial boards of both IEEE and non-IEEE journals (Wiley or Springer). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Fellow of IET.


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