讲座预告12月7日-8日Critical Thinking
一、主讲人:Dr Brinder Saigal
讲座内容:Critical Thinking
二、主讲人:Dr Brinder Saigal
讲座内容:Critical Thinking
Lecture brief
Starting with defining what critical thinking means,the lecture will focus on the process of critical thinking in order to analyseand make useful conclusions towards adding to the knowledge and understandingof the subject matter. It will also try to underline the skills that arerequired to critically think. The students will not just find this useful forwriting their coursework assignments but also for developing their listeningand understanding skills resulting in clarity of the thinking process that isever so important for a meaningful dialogue. There will be a question-answersession after the presentation that will give ample time to the audience tointeract with the speaker.
This lecture is primarily suitable for undergraduateand postgraduate students. However, some research students might also find ituseful.
Lecturer profile
Dr Brinder Saigal is a lecturer in Management andMarketing with teaching experience spanning over 22 years in 6 differentcountries around the world. He has also worked in Industry for about 5 years.While he has done his PhD in Total Quality Management, he also has advanceddegrees in Law including an LLM that help him to see the functioning of thecorporate world in totality and in a way that is conducive to the society’sinterests in a globalised world. He teaches Enterprise Management, ProductDevelopment and PDP at the QM Joint Programme with BUPT in Beijing. His maininterests are in the area of social conduct and performance of the modernbusiness corporations.