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The Launch of Fresher to Thriver (F2T) Programme! 国际学院2024级新生入学教育第三期-新生到卓越成长计划(F2T)正式启动!

发布日期:2024-10-14    作者:国际学院         点击:

The Fresher to Thriver (F2T) Programme officially launched in the week commencing 23rd September 2024, offering essential support to first-year students transitioning into university life.


The programme is designed with a student-centred approach, starting with a First-Year Student Transition Survey, released by Professor Michael Chai. The survey collected students’ voices on challenges that they face in their first few weeks and identified the areas where they need support, ensuring that future workshops and activities are tailored to address their specific needs.

该项目以学生为中心进行设计,Michael Chai教授发布的大一新生过渡调查标志着项目正式启动。该调查收集了学生初入大学前几周所面临的挑战,以及大家需要哪些方面的支持,以确保未来的研讨会和活动设计能够满足同学们的需求。

Six interactive workshops were held for students across four degree programmes, led by Professor Yue Chen. The workshop, titled "Active Learning: Your Key to Thriving at University", introduced students to key concepts of active learning through fun and engaging individual and group activities. Students delved into the DIKW model, which demonstrates how learning transforms raw data into meaningful information, actionable knowledge, and ultimately, informed decisions. The workshop also offered a neuroscience-based explanation of the learning process and explored the concept of the ‘illusion of competence,’ encouraging students to reflect on their learning strategies. Active learning was practised through interactive activities tailored to each degree programme, with students participating in group discussions and collaborative learning, experiencing firsthand how active learning fosters deeper understanding and promotes more effective learning.  

六场面向四个学位项目学生的互动式研讨会在Yue Chen 教授的主持下举行。这场题为《主动学习:大学成功的关键》的研讨会,通过有趣且富有吸引力的个人和小组活动,向学生介绍了主动学习的核心概念。同学们深入研究了DIKW模型,该模型展示了如何通过学习将原始数据转化为有意义的信息,以及能付诸实践的知识,并最终成为睿智决策的依据。研讨会还对学习过程进行了基于神经科学的解释,并探讨了能力错觉的概念,鼓励大家反思自己的学习方法和学习策略。研讨会为每个专业量身定制了不同的互动活动并鼓励同学们进行主动学习,大家参与了小组讨论和协作学习活动,亲身体验了主动学习如何能促进更深入的理解和更有效的学习。

The launch of F2T has set the stage for a thriving academic journey, with students embracing new learning techniques and building a solid foundation for university success. And this is just the beginning—the road to thriving is paved with innovation, support, and an exciting lineup of future workshops designed to keep students thriving well beyond their first year!


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