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我院学生出席2012第三届国际物联网大会 唯一本科团队

发布日期:2012-11-09    作者:         点击:


由国际物联网协会主办的第三届国际物联网会议于2012年10月24至27日在中国无锡召开。我校国际学院2009级本科生王逸鸣、王斯颖、谭懿、荣鸿乾四位同学,在玛丽女王学院导师Yue Chen博士的带领下参加了该会议中live demo和poster等两个展示环节。作为本届大会两个环节中唯一的本科生团队,他们的成果得到与会专家学者的高度肯定与鼓励。

10月24日,该团队向来自世界各地学术界和企业界的专家、学者、工程师展示了他们的实验平台。王逸鸣同学作为国际学院暑期项目优秀团队之一的代表,于25日在大会上做了一分钟演讲,得到了广泛的肯定。这是该团队在2012年2月至8月参与的我校国际学院联合培养计划中暑期项目成果的一部分,目的在于设计并实现一个基于家庭环境下的智能电网实验平台。此团队除了参与会议的五位师生外,还有玛丽女王学院指导老师Michael Chai和我校信通院指导老师张天魁,以及国际学院三名同学常远、钟建伦、戴巡等成员。该平台主要涉及到家庭端的多种电力能源选择和家用电器的自动能量控制两方面,从而更高效的利用电能并降低家庭用电成本。该平台底层采802.15.4协议,配以IPv6地址实现家庭内部无线通信;能够实时进行环境监控,采集各用电器消耗功率并对未来短时间的功率进行预测;同时可以通过移动终端进行远程遥控。



4 Joint Programme Students Attended 2012 IoT Conference

During 24th~ 27thOct. 2012, the 2012 International IoT (Internet of Things) Conference, organized by International IoT Committee, was held in Wuxi, China. Four students from Joint Programme between QMUL & BUPT, Yiming WANG, Siying WANG, Yi TAN and Hongqian RONG, attended the live demo and poster session in the conference with their supervisor Dr. Yue CHEN. As the only undergraduate team in the session, their product received highly respect of other participants worldwide.

On 24thOctober, the group demonstrated their test bed to the experts, scholars from academy and engineers from the industry. The following day, Yiming WANG, as a representative for the excellent summer project group, gave her one minute speech in the conference fluently with passion. The aiming of the project is to design a Test Bed for Smart Grid Based on Home Area Network. The test bed mainly focuses on two aspects: the intelligent selection between energy sources and the automatic energy control in home appliances. The data link layer adopts 802.15.4 protocol, and each mote in the system is assigned with IPv6 address. A variety of sensors spread within the system are used to monitor the environment and to report data to the centre in real-time. Besides that, this test bed can also make energy prediction dynamically to make further intelligent decision and can also be remote controlled via mobile devices. Apart from the five people above, Dr. Michael CHAI from QMUL, Dr. Tiankui ZHANG from BUPT and other three Joint Programme students Yuan CHANG, Jianlun ZHONG, Xun DAI also participated in this project and made their indispensible contribution to the success.

It is a great academic experience for the four Joint Programme students. Meanwhile it shows the high quality of the Joint Programme between QMUL&BUPT. Congratulations to these undergraduate students and their instructors!

Yiming WANG

It was a great opportunity for us to join the 3rd International Conference on the Internet of Things especially as an undergraduate. Through the conference, we know what others are doing and what the future trend is in this area. In the workshop, through listening to the lectures given by notable experts, I really learnt a lot of state-of-the-art in IoT. What’s worth to mention is that our demo got the recognition and encouragement from many experienced professors and they were kind to offer their advice to improve our test bed. In fact, I also met some new friends from other countries via this conference. Although they came from different places, such as Sweden, Japan and Korea, we all had a good memory due to the same thing we are doing.

Siying WANG

It is fantastic to listen to discussion between professors and specialists from industry about the existing problems and future about IOT, especially I can only see their names in the author lists of standards and papers before. And I saw a demo of a guy who just solves a problem we met in our project! It’s really a precious chance for an undergraduate to attend an international conference. By the way, the food in Wuxi is delicious.


To me, it’s a good chance to talk with others who are expert in IOT area, to know the trend of IoT area and to understand the relationship between academy and the industry. As the only one undergraduate group presenting in this conference, what I reckon as the most important is that I gain encouragement from others and the spiritual strength to persist on my education. Attending the international conference is really an impressive and beneficial experience.

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