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发布日期:2015-01-04    作者:         点击:


在2014年12月18日公布的REF(The Research Excellence Framework)科研评比中,伦敦玛丽女王大学在154所大学中脱颖而出,排名全英第9名。

2008年,REF的前身RAE(The Research Assessment Exercise)将伦敦玛丽女王大学评定为科研领域的明日之星,2014年REF进一步肯定了这种强劲的上升势头必将持续下去。REF及其前身RAE作为英国权威度最高的大学排名,历来受到英国高校高度重视,在很大程度上不仅说明了一个大学的综合实力,甚至直接左右了一个英国大学能获得的研究经费多少。




Queen Mary ranked in the UK’s top 10 for research quality

The results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), published today, confirm Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)’s place in the very top group of research-led universities.

Thursday 18 December 2014

QMUL has been ranked 9th among multi-faculty institutions in the UK, according to tables published today in the Times Higher Education*.

A total of 154 institutions were submitted for the exercise.

The 2008 RAE confirmed Queen Mary to be one of the rising stars of the UK research environment and the REF 2014 shows that this upward trajectory has been maintained.

Professor Simon Gaskell, President and Principal of Queen Mary, said: “This is an outstanding result for Queen Mary. We have built upon the progress that was evidenced by the last assessment exercise and have now clearly cemented our position as one of the UK’s foremost research-led universities. This achievement is derived from the talent and hard work of our academic staff in all disciplines, and the colleagues who support them.”

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Universities submit their work across 36 panels of assessment. Research is judged according to quality of output (65 per cent), environment (15 per cent) and, for the first time, the impact of research (20 per cent).

These results will be used by Hefce to determine funding allocations for universities in Spring 2015.


* QMUL is ranked 11th overall, and 9th if specialist institutions are removed, as is traditional:

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