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发布日期:2011-10-21    作者:         点击:


学院此次特邀英国商业部的环境监管处副主任Trevor Clarkson教授、丹麦技术大学Lars Dittmann 教授、美国得克萨斯州A&M大学Shuguang Cui副教授、飞利浦光通信研究中心Rob Davies 先生、Martel 电信工业咨询公司Martin Potts 先生组成评审团,对学生成果进行评审。中英联合培养项目中方负责人应娅舒教授、英方负责人Laurie Cuthbert教授,暑期创新项目导师Chen Yue博士,Miracle Chai博士,Chris Harte 博士和Frank Gao博士等也来到现场参观了成果展示。

为了能充分展示今年夏天在伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的实习研究成果,同学们认真准备,将成果制成展板,并逐一接受专家和老师的考问。同学们流利的英语和创新能力受到一致好评。活动最后,Laurie Cuthbert教授进行总结,并宣布了评比结果。同时,他也在现场宣布了9月20日举行的2009级暑期实践环节成果展评比结果。三个获奖小组分别获得Ipad、Itouch等丰厚的奖品,令在场的获奖同学兴奋不已。Laurie Cuthbert教授勉励同学们再接再厉,充分发挥自己的聪明才智,为今后专业学习打好基础。


Poster demo for 2011 summer project students

The joint programme between BUPT and QM held summer projects for third year students this year to train them to develop their research ability and to give them experience of studying aboard. These students were chosen from 500 students (supervisors selected them by interview or investigating their study ability) and did their research project in London this year for one month or more during the summer holiday.

In order that they could demonstrate their achievements this summer and encourage them to carry on research in future, we held a poster demo in the lobby of Teaching Building 2 on 13th Oct 2011. Every summer project students submitted their poster files by following the common format required by IEEE conferences. Then the staff printed them on KT board to give the best impression.

Regarding this as a very important demo we also invited many research collaborators of Queen Mary University of London to come to visit our students’ achievements and give some guidance for them.

The guests are:

 Professor Trevor Clarkson, who was Head of Engineering and Research at the UK Radiocommunications Agency (2002-4), Prior to joining the RA, he was Head of the Department of Electronic Engineering at King’s College London, More recently he was Deputy Director for environmental regulation in the UK Department for Business (2006-2010) and on the secretariat of the UK’s Council for Science and Technology (2004-6); Trevor is a Fellow of IET, a Senior Member of IEEE and a Chartered Engineer.

 Professor Lars Dittmann is currently Professor at the Technical University of Denmark within the area of integrated networks. He is today group leader at DTU Fotonik responsible for network technology and service platforms and coordinator for the university communication cluster (covering 4 research groups and approximately 70 researchers) at DTU Fotonik.

 Dr. Shuguang Cui is a BUPT graduate who received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, California, USA, in 2005. He is now working as an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. His current research interests include statistical signal processing for cyber-physical systems (such as Smart Grid), cognitive radio system optimization, network information theory, and general communication theories. He has also been serving as the associate editors for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communication Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

 Mr Rob Davies joined Philips Research in the UK in 1989 and has worked on standardisation for communications standards, including DECT and Bluetooth. In 2003, he spent three years working for Philips in China on a number of different projects before returning to the UK in 2006. Since then, he has worked on medical body area networks, LTE and TV white space. He is currently working for Philips Research in Eindhoven on optical communications.

 Mr Martin Potts Martin spent the early part of his career working in the UK for GEC, and then at the British Telecom Research Laboratories. While working for BT he was in one of the pioneering multi-service network development teams. In 1988, he moved to Switzerland and played a major role in leading European projects, including managing a large test bed in the EU’s RACE and ACTS programmes, setting up his own company Martel to do consulting work in the telecommunications industry. Martin has written many articles and papers. He sits on the programme committees of several world-class conferences, and has made presentations in international events such as 'Globecom'.

Many staff who are the supervisors of summer project students also came, including Dr Yue Chen, Dr Miracle Chai, Dr Chris Harte and Dr Frank Gao. The Directors of the Joint Programme, Prof Laurie Cuthbert and Prof Yashu Ying, also came and gave their support to the students.

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