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方校长:国院 我为你而骄傲 祖国 是你坚强的依靠!

发布日期:2012-06-30    作者:         点击:







尊敬的英国驻华使馆公使、副馆长克里斯伍德(Chris Wood)先生;



尊敬的伦敦大学玛丽女王学院西蒙加斯克尔(Simon Gaskell)校长;

尊敬的英国工程技术学会伊恩默瑟(Ian Mercer)先生;









说到你们的成就,我不想受到字数的限制。我想尝试用贯口的方式念出来你们所将读研的院校。中国高校除北邮外,还有清华、北大、武大、北师大、厦大、北交大、中国石油大学、解放军二炮工程大学、中国社科院、香港中文大学、香港大学、香港城市大学(长时间的热烈掌声);英国的除了伦敦大学玛丽女王学院之外,还有爱丁堡大学、巴斯大学、布里斯托大学、帝国理工、杜伦大学、华威大学、剑桥大学、拉夫堡大学、莱彻斯特大学、兰卡斯特大学、利物浦大学、利兹大学、伦敦大学国王学院、伦敦大学学院、伦敦政治经济学院、曼彻斯特大学、南安普顿大学、纽卡斯尔大学、萨里大学、圣安德鲁斯大学、约克大学(热烈的掌声,开心的笑声);美国的有宾夕法尼亚大学、德雷赛尔大学、德州农工、东北大学、杜克大学、俄亥俄州立大学、佛罗里达大学、格拉斯哥喀里大学、哥伦比亚大学、华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校、加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校、卡耐基梅隆大学、康奈尔大学、克拉克大学、罗格斯大学、罗彻斯特大学、马萨诸塞大学、迈阿密大学、密苏里大学、密歇根大学、明尼苏达双子城大学、南加州大学、纽约大学、纽约大学理工学院、匹兹堡大学、普渡大学、乔治华盛顿大学、斯蒂文斯理工、特拉华大学、伍斯特理工、雪城大学、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、伊利诺伊理工、芝加哥大学(热烈的掌声,开心的笑声);加拿大的有阿尔伯塔大学、卡尔加里大学、渥太华大学;澳大利亚的有澳大利亚国立大学、墨尔本大学;法国的有法国高等商学院、尼斯高等商学院;新加坡的有新加坡南洋理工;西班牙的有庞培法布拉大学。同时我们还有同学将就读于瑞典皇家理工和葡萄牙里斯本技术大学高等理工学院合作项目。你们就读的学校几乎囊括了英国大学TIMES研究排名前20名的高校和美国US NEWS研究生工科排名前25名的高校。这证明了你们的优秀,你们让世界各国的高校向你们敞开了大门!你们提升了北邮品牌的国际影响力,也使得中英两校的校友足迹遍及全球各地!谢谢你们!



我手里有一个长长的名单,书写着你们一个个骄人的业绩:罗广骏、尚颖等16名同学获得玛丽女王学院的学院奖;念东娟、兰冰、谢菁菁等24名同学获得北京市优秀毕业生;袁征、刘爽、杨晓雪等9名同学的毕业论文被评为北邮优秀毕业论文;方笮西同学获得2012年英国工程技术学会奖;刘琛、张聃同学获得思科CCIE Security认证,成为北邮历史上年龄最小的CCIE Security认证工程师。


我骄傲,因为你们在各类竞赛中取得了突出的成绩。你们当中邹睿、黎阳两名同学获得全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖;薛菲、杨曦、郭帆等21名同学组成了7支参赛队,获得全国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖;张安帅参加英国工程技术学会(IET)英语演讲比赛获得一等奖;刘佳宁在联想Idea NBA创意机型营销大赛中获得一等奖。










Pride in International School , Support from Our Motherland

——President FANG Binxing, Academician and Professor

Respected Mr. Chris Wood, Minister and Deputy Ambassador of the British Embassy in China .

Respected YANG Xiaochun, Director of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Education

Respected Ms. PAN Fangfang, Deputy irector BEC International Office

Respected Principal Simon Gaskell, Queen Mary University of London.

Respected Mr. Ian Mercer from IET.

Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to the International School Graduation Ceremony of 2012!

Nine days ago, I was at the BUPT Graduation Ceremony of 2012 i delivering a farewell speech to you. You were elated with joy and excitement! Today, once again I am standing here speaking to you, only you, at the International School Graduation Ceremony of 2012!You are the only students at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications who have the privilege of attending two graduation ceremonies and accepting the congratulations. Because you are the graduates from the joint programme between BUPT and QMUL. Presidents from each university will grant you degrees and congratulate you for your achievements, under the influence of good quality education, liberal arts education, global visions, as well as international perspectives. You have become the pride of both BUPT and QMUL! Congratulations!

The theme of my speech today is “Pride in International School, Support from Our Motherland”. In other words: I am going to summarize what you have achieved in the past four years and what I hope for the future.

First, I would say: “I’m proud of you, International School !”In my eyes, International School is the best school at BUPT. I have explained the reasons in the graduation ceremony of last year, that is, students of International School have put the collective sense of honor above everything.Class 5 was awarded both honors of “Outstanding Graduating Class” and “Class of Excellence” at BUPT. Class 6 has won the honor of “Class of Excellence” for two consecutive years. Both Class 6 and Class 7 were among the ten winners of “League Branch of Excellence” at BUPT and winners of best league branches in Beijing . Class 11 was the “Outstanding Graduating Class” at BUPT. Well done! I’m proud of you!

Now, my special thanks go to Professor YING Yashu and Professor Laurie Cuthburt. Due to the age reason, Professor Ying is no longer the Dean of International School. I heard that Professor Cuthburt will also retire from the position of Director of the joint programme next year because of the same reason. I would like to thank them for their excellent work!The joint programme has received much worldly recognition includinga 2011 Cathay Pacific Business Award.And I believe the program will become better and better.

With 8 years’ hard work from teachers and students in International School, we can see the increasing number of students furthering their studies at graduate programmes at home and abroad. The rate has reached 85.53%! This is number one at BUPT and is 1.66% higher than that of last year! I’m pleased to know that the following students have won the fellowships to study at PhD programmes at QMUL. They are LV Xueke, LIU Dantong, JIANG Guangwei, BAI Jingwen, LI Wenzhao, HUANG Shenglan, LI Aini, YANG Luwei and QIN Zhijin. Mr. LUO Yiteng will go to Leeds University to study at the PhD programme.

Here I will announce the universities you are going to further your graduate studies.Universities in China are Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing University , Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Northern Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, Xiamen University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China University of Petroleum, The Second Artillery Engineering University of People's Liberation Army, University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Chinese University;

In addition to Queen Mary, University of London, other universities in the UK include Cambridge, Imperial College, University of Edinburgh, University of Bath, University of Bristol, University of Durham, University of Manchester, University of Warwick, Loughborough University, Leicester University, Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, University of Leeds, King's College London, University College London, London School of Economics, University of Southampton, University of Newcastle, University of Surrey and University of St Andrews and University of York.

Universities in the US include University of Pennsylvania, Northeastern University, the University of California at Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, Duke University, Columbia University, New York University, the University of Southern California, Purdue University, George Washington University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Cornell University, University of Florida, Ohio State University, University of Massachusetts, Syracuse University, New York University Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, University of Miami, University of Missouri, University of Michigan, Illinois University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Minnesota twin Cities University of Delaware, Worcester Polytechnic, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Rochester, Rutgers University, Clark University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Derexel University and Texas A&M University!

Canadian universities are University of Alberta , University of Calgary and University of Ottawa .

Universities in Australia are Australian National University and University of Melbourne .

Other universities include Pompeu Fabra University in Spain ; SKEMA Business School in France , Nanyang Technological University in Singapore .

We also have students who will be studying in thejoint-programmesin the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and in Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.

These universities are top 20 universities inTimesand top 25 in the US . in United States U.S. NEWS top 25 colleges and universities. We have alumni all around the world and this has increased the publicity of BUPT in the world!

Apart of the above facts and figures, the companies our graduates work for are China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, IBM, Tencent, Ericsson, Sogou Technology, China Shenhua, Huaxia Bank, and other financial institutions; Ernst & Young Consulting Corporation, China Life, Sinopec, China Railway Bureau, the Central People's Broadcasting Station and other large-scale state-owned enterprises. All these have shown how popular our graduates are in the society!

Besides, the rate of excellent theses is 47.3%, 3.7 % higher than that of last year. I have a long list of names of students of honors. They have won various kings of awards. They are, to name a few,LUO Guangjun, SHANG Ying, YUAN Zheng, LIU Shuang, YANG Xiaoxue, FANG Zexi, LIU Chen, ZHANG Ran, DAI Wei, SONG Liumeng, SHI Chenglu, MENG Xiaofeng, TIAN Duo, WANG Zi, TANG Hao, CHEN Zongxing, LIU Xiaoyang, ZHANG Yanrui, XIE Cunzhi, XU Congrui, PENG Xu, XIA Bainan, TU JING, YU Jiangyu, ZHU Ruiting, MA Zhiyu, MA Xiaoyu, ZHENG Xifan, XIE Ling, LI Lan, DAI Jiajie, PAN Yunong, YUAN Yi, XU Shuai, CHEN Chi, MA Yan, ZHANG Zhen, ZHOU Shuo, JIANG Yin, HU Feiyan, LIU Qian, HAN Qing, ZOU Rui, LI Yang, XUE Fei, YANG Xi, GUO Fan, ZHANG ANshui, LIU Jianing so on! Congratulations!

My dear students, now please allow me to say to you, once again: I’m really proud of you!

In the future, 74% percent of you will further your studies abroad. As the president of Beijing University o Posits and Telecommunications, I would like to wish you good luck and pleaser always keep in mind that our motherland will always be your strong support!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all the teachers and staff at BUPT and QMUL, parents and students for your hard work, understanding and cooperation!

Thank you!

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