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2012毕业典礼:Simon Gaskell校长致辞

发布日期:2012-07-03    作者:         点击:


(In Mandarin)

(Hello everyone, I’m delighted to be here to congratulate/celebrate with you on your graduation.)



As Principal of Queen Mary, University of London, I should like to join President Fang in welcoming you to this ceremony on behalf of all my Queen Mary colleagues.


We are here today for a special and unique occasion - to mark the achievements of the 2012 graduates of the Joint Degree Programmes taught here in Beijing in partnership between BUPT and Queen Mary.


The achievement that you, the students graduating today, have made is a very important one that should be celebrated by you, your families and your teachers.


As you know, the degrees that you are about to be awarded are themselves unique and very special.


When launched in 2004, the BUPT/Queen Mary degrees were the first joint programmes in China to be offered in cooperation between a top Chinese university and a top British university and offering a degree awarded by both universities.


This programme therefore provides the best of bothChinese and British higher education.


The Joint Degrees were the first of their kind to be approved by the Ministry of Education here in China.


And they were the first to be accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the leading UK engineering professional accreditation body.


Graduates from the Joint Programme have been high achievers – and this year’s graduating students are no exception.


Almost 40% have this year been awarded a First Class Honours degree, an exceptionally high proportion.


More than 85% are progressing to study for higher degrees, 74% outside China at some of the world’s leading universities.


We will be welcoming to Queen Mary in London, Joint Programme graduates who include 9 recipients of China Scholarship Council awards.


Now that you have reached the end of your studies here, you are awarded degrees from both BUPT and the University of London.


Our two universities are recognised around the world for the excellence of their teaching and research.


You are a new breed of graduate here in China, with excellent knowledge of the latest technological know-how.


But you also have a greater international understanding, and an appreciation of the application of technology in industry and business.


This is the kind of knowledge that is in very short supply in the world today, but is absolutely essential to the future of not just the Chinese but the world economy.


I am totally confident that you will make a very important contribution to the future development of China’s economy and society.


While you have been studying for your degrees, you have been students not only of BUPT and of Queen Mary, but also of the University of London.


You have already attended the BUPT degree award ceremony.


At this ceremony today you will receive your University of London degree.


As you know, Queen Mary is one of the leading colleges of the Federal University of London.


The University of London is one of the largest and most powerful universities, not just in the UK and Europe, but in the world.


It has over 120,000 students and has graduates around the world numbering over a million.


Wherever you go, you will find University of London graduates in important positions in industry and business, in government, in science and in the engineering, medical and legal professions.


The degree that you are awarded today is exactly the same as the degree held by University of London alumni the world over.


It is a degree universally recognised and respected and it will open many doors to you in your future careers.


You have also today become graduates and alumni of Queen Mary, which has created its own reputation as an institution of excellence.


In the UK, Queen Mary is in the very top group of universities, ranked 11thin the country in the Government Research Assessment Exercise, with several departments being ranked first in the UK.

在英国,玛丽女王学院是排名非常靠前的大学。根据英国政府科研评估系统(Government Research Assessment Exercise)的数据,玛丽女王学院在英国132所大学中整体的研究排名是第11位,其中很多系在英国位列第一。





This year, 2012, Queen Mary has been invited to join the Russell Group of elite universities.The Russell Group in the UK is the equivalent of the 985 universities here in China and we are very proud that the stature and achievements of Queen Mary have been recognised in this way.


Since its foundation 125 years ago, Queen Mary has produced many distinguished graduates.


In graduating today you join a worldwide network of Queen Mary alumni.


Our alumni office will keep in touch with you in the coming years to help you make the most of your membership of the Queen Mary community.


Today is, above all, about you as individuals and your achievements, of which we are very proud.


You have worked hard for your degrees and you deserve your success.


But you must also thank your parents, family and friends, many of whom are with you today, who have supported you and encouraged you through the years of study.


I should also like you to join with me in thankingour friends and colleagues at BUPT for their dedication in ensuring that our Joint Programmes have been such a success.


In particular I should like to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions to the Joint Programme made by Professor Yashu Ying.Without her, the programme would not have achieved the success it has.

在此,我也想特别感谢 应娅舒 教授为联合培养项目所做的卓越贡献。没有她,联合培养项目将无法取得今天的成就。

I also thank colleagues in the Ministry of Educationand Beijing Education Commissionhere in Beijing and in the British Embassy and the British Council for their support.


Mr Chris Wood from the British Embassy is here today, as he has been at past graduation ceremonies.As he now looks forward to his next posting in the Diplomatic Service, we wish him well and thank him most sincerely for all his support of the Joint Programme.

英国使馆公使Chris Wood先生今天再次前来参加我们的典礼。在他即将结束任期开始他下一个外交公职之时,我们祝福他万事如意,衷心地感谢他对联合培养项目的支持。

(In Mandarin)

(Finally, I wish you every success in your careers.I hope the London Olympics will be as successful as were yours!)


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